Sunday, August 31, 2008

The air's on in SD

I'm sure I'll look back on this post in November and laugh, but didn't somebody say it was supposed to be cold in SD? Seriously, it's mid-80s tonight; this is BS. I was trying to go the whole semester without using the AC. Sadly, the air's on tonight.

Other than that, we've acclimated pretty well to our furniture-less bungalow here in Vermillion. I'm writing up a storm, and Rachel is taking on her costume design and teaching job like a soccer mom at Macy's. Unfortunately, we've also been doing some damage on the credit front. Not having access to a local bank has really cramped the style of this budget-minded blogger. Without a debit or ATM card, I've been swiping the other kind of plastic for just about everything. We should be finalizing the bank account stuff this week, so hopefully all that is at an end, but for now, the net worth is definitely moving in the wrong direction. The diet's going well, and I'm starting to see some real progress there. Soon I'll be too sexy for my shorts.

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